Tuesday, July 10, 2007

doing nothing, asking questions, and making babies

Ellen said 2 things today that I thought were really cute so I thought I'd share. First we were in the car on the way home from swimming when she said, "you know mom, you can't really be doing nothing." So I said "oh yea, what do you mean?" and she went on to say that even when you are just standing there you are still standing and that's something. I thought to myself. . . like father like daughter! :) Second, she must have started feeling some of the way I feel when the girls are asking a million questions because she noticed it today. I am constantly answering questions like . . . "when are we going to be there, why are we waiting so long, why did you stop at that stop light, why did you go at the caution light, why is that man standing there. . ." and the list goes on. So it's almost like anything that pops in there head they just ask. Ellen finally picked up on Arianna asking and asking in the car today and started singing a song about questions. She loves to sing and it was so natural for her to just start singing to some made up tune about Arianna asking so many questions. Wish you could have heard it and seen that smile on her face. She knew she was being funny.

The other day, actually it was a few weeks ago, the girls mentioned wanting another baby. I've told them several times that mom is done having babies but they still talk about it. So, this time when the girls and I were at home one afternoon one of them made the comment about wanting a baby and Arianna said "but we need daddy" and Ellen said no we don't. I thought that was interesting so I asked her to explain. She said daddy already made a baby and so I could have another one without him. I just smiled and said "Oh really" since I wanted to hear what else they had to say. Arianna went on to explain that we do need daddy since he has to be here so that mommy and daddy can stand close together and share bodies because that's how babies are made.


Anonymous said...

She said what?! O boy, here we go...

Scott said...

Good luck with that!

Anonymous said...

that's so funny what they said about babies! hey...maybe they are sensing something and you guys will catch on...! ;)