I've mentioned the zoo several times on this blog but I don't think I've talked about the gardens that are attached to it. Almost every time we make a trip to the zoo we spend time riding a tram over the river and up a hill through the forest to the gardens. We have enjoyed observing the changes in the gardens each season. The Clemson extension office is located there and they have classes for kids and adults and people there to answer questions. There are fountains, tons of art, and a kids pretend planting area. This last time we were there I brought my camera and pretended to be a photographer again. The background was beautiful but I didn't actually get any good pictures of the landscape because I focused on the girls' faces.
Ellen pose

I call this one snap pea. We usually take snacks and take a break at the tables in the garden and this picture captures Arianna with her favorite food.

Pretend garden

The zoo gave us free pony rides after going to 3 homeschool classes.