Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring Flowers

Columbia is so beautiful in the spring. The dogwoods, wisteria, and azaleas are blooming all over town. I wish I could capture the smell in these photos because it is amazing. We have a wisteria vine growing right by our back deck and it makes the whole area smell so sweet. These pictures were taken in our yard.

We've also got lots of wildflowers growing in our yard. Since we haven't been mowing or cutting much back the flowers are really taking over and we like it that way. They attract beneficial insects and are simply pretty to look at. This one is a spiderwort.
Wild blackberries that have come out this year since we are not mowing.
This is a flower that I've been dying to know the name of. If you know please pass on the name. I've seen it in blue and white.
These are the apple blossoms from one of the trees in our yard. (obviously not a wildflower but I just thought it was so pretty:)


William Kruidenier said...

When you click on these and get the enlarged version, they are amazing! The detail and color of the flowers are stunning -- especially the one of Ellie smelling the flower. Her blond hair in the light is beautiful. So nice!

Anna Morrison said...

Enjoyed the pics, Jen. I love living in a warmer place. Spring flowers pop up much earlier. I love flowers!!

jbulluck said...

Hey you guys. Sweet post. I wanted to comment that the white flower is Ornithogalum umbellatum (star of bethlehem), but I am not feeling good about that at all. These are bloooming aaround here now. I do think it is in the Lily family though. Might you be able to post a photo with the vegetative portion showing? Otherwise we can talk about it later... i just don't like being stumped on things this showy. Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jason, I don't know if you will look back at this but I will try and get a picture of the whole thing this weekend. Thanks for the thought. Maybe I will just look up the name you offer and see if it matches what we have. Thanks again for the tip.